Who can go for Urethroplasty Surgery?

Urethroplasty is a surgical method can be used to repair and treat urethral injury. Read our blog to find out who can go for this surgery.

Dr.Sumanta Mishra Created on 19th Nov, 21

Urethroplasty is a surgical procedure for treating urethral strictures that includes rebuilding the urethra. It can be used to remove or extend a restricted urethral segment. As part of the procedure, the surrounding tissues may need to be rebuilt.


What are the many sorts of fixes that are available?

Fixing obstructions in the urinary route can be done in a variety of ways. Most scar tissue may be stretched open as a therapy, however, this surgery can cause the scar to reappear soon. A tiny scope and a camera can be used to guide a small knife into cutting the scar open, and a drainage tube is generally left in the penis. In most situations, this is only beneficial for fresh or short scars. Going for a urethroplasty surgery in Bhubaneswar is the most long-lasting repair. The scar tissue is either eliminated or expanded by an incision in the skin in this operation. Following surgery, a tiny drainage tube (catheter) is left in place to allow the treated region to recover.


What is the benefit of urethroplasty?

This surgical method can be used to repair and treat urethral injury. In the treatment of urethral strictures, this method is considered the gold standard. Furthermore, the approach reduces the rate of occurrence and improves the outcomes.


Before the surgery, the doctor or urologist may do a series of tests. The patient will be advised not to eat or drink anything by mouth for eight to ten hours before to operation.


What occurs in the operating room?

The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia. A surgical cut will be made in the penis and scrotum by the doctor. The incision is done over the stricture's precise location. The anastomotic method is commonly used to treat minor strictures. The obstructed part of the urethra is sliced in this procedure. In addition, the surgical incisions aid in the joining of the urethra's near portions.


The patient will be needed to utilize a urethral catheter for the following 2–4 weeks after the operation, after which it will be removed. For the following 4–5 days, you'll be on complete bed rest and have your vital signs monitored constantly.


In general, sex problems are unlikely to arise as a result of this procedure. In addition to the urinary channel obstruction, some individuals may experience erection problems. Your doctor can help you with both of these issues.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of urethroplasty surgery?

The operation has revolutionized medical processes, but it, like any other surgical technique, comes with some hazards.


The following are some of the benefits of urethroplasty:

  • Reduced chance of testicular irritation or infection.
  • Recurrence of urethral stricture is less likely.
  • Enhances one's quality of life.

The following are the dangers linked with urethroplasty:

  • Infection.
  • Incontinence and urinary retention.
  • Erectile dysfunction is a condition that affects men.
  • Bleeding.
  • Urinary urgency 

The following are some of the procedure's limitations:

  • The stricture reappears.
  • Penile numbness, alterations in ejaculation, and a reduction in orgasm intensity.